Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
12th Lok Sabha
Father's Name Shri Chengalvarayan Date of Birth 13 December 1926 Place of Birth Potharai, Distt. Tiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu) Marital Status Married on 16 September 1954 Spouse's Name Smt. Andal Children One son and one daughter Educational Qualifications Intermediate Educated at Annamalai University, Chidambaram (Tamil Nadu) Profession Trade Unionist, Journalist, Political and Social Worker and Publisher Permanent Address Door No. 3C, Old Tower Block, Nandanam, Chennai-600035 (Tamil Nadu) Tels. (044) 4322255(R),4320280(O), 8241422(O) Fax (044) 8224422 Present Address 186, South Avenue New Delhi - 110011 Tel. (011) 3793663 Positions Held 1998 Elected to 12th Lok Sabha 1998-99 Member, Committee on Petitions Member, Committee on Petroleum and Chemicals Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Surface Transport Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments Publisher Uzhaippali - a Tamil monthly, an official organ of Labour Progressive Federation; and Trustee, Murasoli - a Tamil daily Social and Cultural Activities Sponsoring and participating in workers' education classes, seminars, camps, work shops; imparting leadership training to the workers on behalf of Labour Progressive Federation; helping physically handicapped through Anna Memorial Trust; and also helping bright students through Murasoli Trust Special Interests Trade union activities and helping unorganised labour to organise themselves for achieving social justice Favourite Pastime and Recreation Reading books, contributing articles to journals and watching cricket matches on T.V. Countries Visited Japan; visited as member of National Productivitiy Council sponsored by the Asian Productivity Organisation, Singapore Other Information Served for 24 years service in Railways; as Trade Union Leader, conducted and participated in Railways and All India Government Employees' Strikes, 1968 and 1969; Member, All India Joint Action Committee for the Railway strike in 1974; held various positions in Labour Progressive Federation since 1970 and its President since 1977; also President, Labour Wing, DMK since 1977

Election Result of Chennai North Lok Sabha Constituency
Total electorate 18,80,857 Total votes polled 8,76,109 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates (1) Shri C. Kuppusami (D.M.K.) 4,01,322 (2) Shri R.T. Sabapathy Mohan (M.D.M.K.) 3,32,229 (3) Shri A. Soundara Rajan [C.P.I.(M)] 50,590 (4) Shri G.K.J. Bharathi (I.N.C.) 47,147
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